Press Release:

Celebration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples in Kinshasa under the theme « 10th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples »

On Wednesday, 9 August 2017, the Indigenous and Local Peoples’ Network for the Management of Forest Ecosystems of the DRC (REPALEF) celebrated in Kinshasa the International Day of Indigenous Peoples under the theme « Tenth Anniversary of the UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples « (UNDRIP).

This day was commemorated with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN), and the Indigenous Peoples’ Financial Mechanism (DGM). Justin Bitakwira, Minister of Rural Development, representing his colleague Minister of Human Rights, presided over the ceremony.

In his speech, the minister said that indigenous people in the DRC are still facing several key challenges, including high poverty and lack of access to public services at the same level as the rest of the Congolese population. To meet these challenges, the indigenous people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the organizations supporting them are working closely with the United Nations bodies and the Government.

The DRC has voluntarily accepted and endorsed several specific recommendations on the rights of indigenous peoples, including those related to their land rights and their participation in natural resource management and their vulnerability to climate change, said M. Bitakwira.

Jean-Marie Bolika, Forest Governance Project Manager at WWF-RDC confirmed that WWF works with indigenous peoples around the world on the basis of the « Declaration of Principles on Indigenous Peoples and Conservation » written in 1996 on the indigenous peoples rights, conservation objectives and principles of cooperation. WWF also believes that collaboration with indigenous peoples is a key element in the success of its conservation objectives, he added.

REPALEF coordinator Keddy Bosulu Mola, on his part, explained the meaning of the day to both national and international public, before proceeding to the 10-year  UNDRIP  review and announcing the organization 3rd edition of the UNDP International Festival of Peoples (FIPA) in Kinshasa in 2018. Finally, it called for strengthening existing synergies on the indigenous issue in the DRC.

For further information, please contact:

Dandy Yela Y’olemba, WWF DRC Communications Manager, + 243(0)97 016 21 78 / 99 99 64 899,

Christian Mpassi, WWF DRC Communications Officer, + 243(0) 097 600 61 24,